
Bus Routes and Information

Transportation to and from school by bus is provided by DeWitt School District. It should be regarded as a privilege to ride on a school bus, and all students are expected to abide by the bus rules and regulations provided in student handbooks.

The 2023-24 Director of Transportation is Mr. Clay Ashcraft. He may be reached at the District Administrative Office at 1841 S. Grandview Drive, by phone at 870.946.3576, or by email:

Regular bus routes will be modified in the event of flooding rain or icy or snowy roads.

Parents are responsible for meeting and picking up students at the primary stops listed. Drivers are instructed to wait 15-20 minutes at each primary stop. 

Flooding or ice on roadways and bridges could vary some primary stops.

Changes for snow and flood routes will be announced on SchoolReach, local radio stations and on the district website.

Traffic Map