School Counseling

The guidance program emphasizes the importance of recognizing and providing for the individual needs, interests, aptitudes, and abilities of students in achieving their maximum potential from their school experience.

This program includes the accumulation of health, personal, academic, and test data about each student, and this information is readily available for guidance purposes. The program also includes the administration and interpretation of standardized tests of academic ability, achievement, and tests at various grade levels. Educational and career information will be made available to high school students and parents to help them understand the various opportunities and requirements related to future education and careers.

Students are parents are encouraged to consult the counselor's office at their child's school at any time regarding the academic and social progress of their child. If students or parents would like an appointment, they may check with the school and an appointment will be made. This will enable the counselor's office to provide parents and students with a more effective service.

Students will find their own ideas will be carefully considered by the counselor. Students are invited to express their opinions freely and may rest assured that their confidence will be respected.

2023-2023 School Counselors

DeWitt High School - Ms. Meg Boyd, email:

DeWitt Middle School - Mrs. Courtny Barnett,

DeWitt Elementary School - Mrs. Alesha Jones, email: