Take great pride in being a Dragon! There are many ways to get the most our of your educational experience as well as many ways to get involved and share your own unique talents. For detailed informated about your specific school, please click the links at the bottom of each page to visit your desired campus.
Equal Educational Opportunity
No student in the DeWitt School District shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity sponsored by the District.
Student Goals and Objectives
The staff and faculty of the district will ensure that all students enrolled in the schools have the opportunity to grow to their fullest potential in all areas. Specifically, each student will be encouraged:
To achieve a feeling of self worth.
To accept the worth and dignity of all people.
To be creative in the student's selected field of endeavor.
To develop a positive attitude toward the rights and privileges of participating citizenship and an understanding of the responsibilities involved.
To grow as a responsible member of the family and to recognize the family as the basic social unit.
To attain and preserve good physical and mental health.
To plan for and appreciate the wise use of leisure time.
To develop and maintain a positive attitude toward the learning process.
To develop skills and abilities to communicate ideas and feelings.
To acquire habits of analytical thinking and problem solving.
To achieve the fullest potential in the basic academic areas.
To develop skills necessary to utilize all available educatioinal resources.
To understand the American economic system and its relationsihp to a productive life.
To realize the role of vocations in society and to understand the changing opportunities open to the student.
Student Code of Ethics
As a student of DeWitt School District, I pledge myself:
To honor and respect the flag of the United States at all times.
To preserve the high principles of citizenship and sportsmanship upon which the DeWitt School tradition is established.
To improve and maintain the appearance of the campus, realizing that its appearance reflects directly on me as a student.
To be active in all school activities of which I am capable, realizing that I will receive only as much as I contribute.
To encourage the spirit of all DeWitt athletic teams.
To develop and maintain a courteous attitude toward our community and other schools.
To maintain a courteous and respectful attitude toward the faculty.
To conduct myself in a courteous manner in all assemblies.
To refrain from any action that might reflect unfavorably upon my school or me.