The DeWitt School District encompasses the communities of DeWitt, Gillett, and Humphrey in Arkansas County in southeast Arkansas.
For the 2023 - 2024 school year, DeWitt School District had a total enrollment of 1156 students:
Pre-K at DeWitt Preschool: 39 students
DeWitt Elementary School: 484 students
(Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
DeWitt Middle School: 270 students
(Grades 6, 7, 8)
DeWitt High School: 363 students
(Grades 9, 10, 11, 12)
Mission Statement
The DeWitt School District strives to ensure that all students acquire the academic skills, knowledge, and behaviors needed for future success.
Vision Statement
Together, the DeWitt School District will continually raise expectations to lead the state in student achievement.
We, the members of the board of education and administration, are committed to the belief that the school exists for the primary purpose of providing educational opportunities for all the students who live within the confines of the DeWitt School District.
We are also deeply concerned with the development of a well-balanced curriculum that will adequately provide for the needs of all students.
We believe that preparation for college be emphasized but not to the exclusion of other programs which will prepare the non-college student for some type of vocational employment upon graduation from high school.
We believe also that it is the school's responsibility to provide a curriculum that will keep to a minimum the number of dropouts before graduation.
We also believe that the classroom instruction should have priority over all other programs connected with the school. It is also our belief that the basic fundamentals such as reading, writing, spelling, math, and speech and should be stressed from the first through the twelfth grades.